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Development and sustainability
"Life is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, liberty and a little flower!" (H. Chr. Andersen)
Since the publication of ?The Limits to Growth?, the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development have radically transformed political discourse. Today, these concepts underpin the objectives of organizations and initiatives active in such diverse fields as international cooperation, development, education and the Green Economy. Sustainability has become the benchmark against which the success and failure of policy is measured.
   The language of sustainability changes at a pace that is matched in few areas of international cooperation. I track the development of terminology in both public and scholarly discourses.

I translate from English to German:

·Reports, books, articles, lectures, studies, discussion papers, material for further education and training and more
·for government institutions, international organizations, NGOs, research institutes, foundations, educational institutions, stakeholders in international development, and the publishing industry

The following publications are examples of my previous work. I am always keen to explore new areas within this field.

Against My Will Against My Will. Defying the practices that harm women and girls and undermine equality. State of World Population Report 2020, United Nations Population Fund UNFPA (translated into the German language). Online in English and German (short version).

Unfinished Business Unfinished Business. The pursuit of rights and choices for all. State of World Population Report 2019, United Nations Population Fund UNFPA (translated into the German language). Online in English only.

Healing Architecture Christine Nickel-Weller, Hans Nickl: Healing Architecture. Braun Publishing, Salenstein 2013. A bilingual book on the latest trend of "Healing Architecture" in cities. How do the city, the society and their hospitals influence each other – in former times, nowadays and in the future? How can architecture contribute to healing and recovery? And how do our surroundings – both built and unbuilt – influence our prospects of staying healthy? Including an article on the spectacular and innovative KhooTeckPuat Hospital in Singapur (Translation into the German language).

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